Date |
Conference Name |
Venue |
10 May |
International Conference on Ophthalmic Photography (ICOP)
Gatineau, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Ophthalmic Photography (ICOP)
Barrie, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Orthopedics and Traumatology (ICOT)
Kitchener, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Primary Healthcare and Pain Management (ICPHPM)
Barrie, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry (ICPRD)
Mississauga, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Public Health and Healthcare Management (ICPHHM)
Ottawa, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Public Health and Healthcare Management (ICPHHM)
Saskatoon, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Neurological Surgery and Radiology (ICNSR)
Gatineau, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Clinical and Experimental Dermatology (ICCED)
Kitchener, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Neuropathy and Neurology (ICNN)
Edmonton, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Pediatric Neurology (ICPN)
Halifax, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on General Surgical Oncology (ICGSO)
Calgary, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on General Surgical Oncology (ICGSO)
Abbotsford, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Orthodontics and Dental Medicine (ICODM)
Guelph, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Biological Psychology and Psychiatry (ICBPP)
Oakville, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Biological Psychology and Psychiatry (ICBPP)
Regional Municipality of Niagara, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Angiography and Radiology (ICAR)
Calgary, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Reproductive Health Embryology and Fertility (ICRHEF)
Guelph, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Sleep Disorders Medicine & Integrative Medicine (ICSDMIM)
Alberta, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics (ICEE)
Gatineau, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Education, Leadership and Innovation (ICELI)
British Columbia, Canada
10 May |
International Congress of Myology (ICM)
Ottawa, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Infectious Disease in Animals (ICIDA)
Calgary, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS)
Alberta, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Advanced Research in Education (ICARE)
Kitchener, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Behavioral and Educational Psychology (ICBEP)
Ottawa, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine (ICASVM)
Halifax, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Education, Psychology, Humanities and Historical Research (ICEPHHR)
Ottawa, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (ICBEB)
Guelph, Canada
10 May |
Internaional Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (ICFLTAL)
Labrador, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Mycobacterial Diseases in Animals (ICMDA)
Edmonton, Canada
10 May |
International Conference on Educational Leadership (ICEL)
Barrie, Canada
11 May |
International Conference on Microbiology and Immunology (ICMI)
British Columbia, Canada
11 May |
International Conference on Microbiology and Immunology (ICMI)
British Columbia, Canada
11 May |
International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA)
Ottawa, Canada
11 May |
International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)
Vancouver, Canada
11 May |
World Robot Conference (WRC)
Ottawa, Canada
11 May |
International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (ICBEB)
Halifax, Canada
11 May |
International Conference on Trauma Care and Mental Health (ICTCMH)
Mississauga, Canada
11 May |
International Conference on Vaccines & Infectious Diseases (ICVID)
Ottawa, Canada
11 May |
International Conference on Educational Technology Learning and Social Science (ICETLSS)
Edmonton, Canada
11 May |
International Conference on Distance Education and Innovative Teaching Models (ICDEITM)
Hamilton, Canada
11 May |
International Conference on Multimedia (ICM)
Hamilton, Canada
11 May |
Global Conference on African Studies ,African Business and Technology (GCASABT)
Abbotsford, Canada
11 May |
International Conference on Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery (ICPSHS)
Ottawa, Canada
11 May |
International Conference on Cosmetology, Dermatology and Trichology (ICCDT)
Montreal, Canada
11 May |
International Conference on Vaccines Immunology and Clinical Trials (ICVICT)
Quebec City, Canada
11 May |
International Conference on Creative Education Learning and Teaching (ICCELT)
Gatineau, Canada
11 May |
International Conference on Linguistics and Literature (ICLL)
Hamilton, Canada
11 May |
Global Conference on African Studies and Current Business Issues (GCASCBI)
Barrie, Canada