Date |
Conference Name |
Venue |
13 May |
International Conference on Communication Engineering and Industrial Engineering (ICCEIE)
Mangalore, India
13 May |
International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (ICBDSC)
Mangalore, India
13 May |
International Conference on Advancements in Education Research & Development (ICAERD)
Mangalore, India
13 May |
International Conference on Chemical, Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Sciences (ICCABES)
Mumbai, India
13 May |
International Conference on Education, Business, Humanities and Social Sciences (ICEBHS)
Mumbai, India
13 May |
International Conference on Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences (ICMPH)
Mumbai, India
13 May |
International Conference on Robotics, Aeronautics, Mechanics and Mechatronics (ICRAMM)
Mumbai, India
13 May |
International Conference on Science, Engineering & Technology (ICSET)
Mumbai, India
13 May |
International Conference on Oil, Gas and Petrochemistry (ICOGP)
Mumbai, India
13 May |
International conference on Applied Science Mathematics and Statistics (ICASMS)
Mumbai, India
13 May |
International Conference on Chemical, Agricultural, Biological, Environment and Life Science (ICCABEL)
Mumbai, India
13 May |
International Conference on Physical Education and Sport Science (ICPESS)
Mumbai, India
13 May |
International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous Computing and Applications (ICWUA)
Mumbai, India
13 May |
International conference on Machine learning Big data management Cloud and Computing (ICMBDC)
Mumbai, India
13 May |
International Conference on Nano science and Nanotechnology (IC2N)
Mumbai, India
13 May |
International Video Conference on Science Technology And Management (IVCSTM)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Video Conference on Clinical and Pharmaceutical Microbiology (IVCCPM)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Virtual Conference on Internet of Things (IVCIT)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Conference on Nutrition & Health (ICNH)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Video Conference on Healthcare (IVCH)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Virtual Conference on Covid-19 and Its Effect (IVCCE)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Conference on Oncolytic Virus Therapeutics (ICOVT)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Video Conference on Creative Business for Smart and Sustainable Growth (IVCCBSSG)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Virtual Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (IVCMR)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Virtual Conference on Medical Biological and Pharmaceutical Science (IVCMBPS)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Virtual Conference on Environmental Science & Green Energy (IVCESGE)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Virtual Conference on Advanced Scientific Results (IVCASR)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Conference on Environmental Science & Green Energy (ICESGE)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Conference on Business Management and Economics (ICBME)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Conference on Medical, Healthcare, and Pharmaceutical Science (ICMHPS)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology (ICAST)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Conference on Education, Learning and Humanities (ICELH)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Conference on Smart Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering (ICSTAICE)
Saharanpur, India
13 May |
International Conference on Aerospace and Aerodynamics (ICAA)
Dehradun, India
13 May |
World Conference on Science Engineering and Technology (WCSET)
Dehradun, India
13 May |
World Conference on Pharma Industry and Medical Devices (WCPIMD)
Dehradun, India
13 May |
International Conference on Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE)
Dehradun, India
13 May |
International Conference on Social Science, Arts and Humanities (ICSAH)
Dehradun, India
13 May |
International Conference on Economics, Finance and Business Management (ICEFBM)
Dehradun, India
13 May |
International Conference on Aerospace and Aerodynamics (ICAA)
Sangli, India
13 May |
World Conference on Science Engineering and Technology (WCSET)
Sangli, India
13 May |
World Conference on Pharma Industry and Medical Devices (WCPIMD)
Sangli, India
13 May |
International Conference on Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE)
Sangli, India
13 May |
International Conference on Social Science, Arts and Humanities (ICSAH)
Sangli, India
13 May |
International Conference on Economics, Finance and Business Management (ICEFBM)
Sangli, India
13 May |
International Conference on Aerospace and Aerodynamics (ICAA)
Nagpur, India
13 May |
World Conference on Science Engineering and Technology (WCSET)
Nagpur, India
13 May |
World Conference on Pharma Industry and Medical Devices (WCPIMD)
Nagpur, India
13 May |
International Conference on Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE)
Nagpur, India
13 May |
International Conference on Social Science, Arts and Humanities (ICSAH)
Nagpur, India