Date |
Conference Name |
Venue |
17 May |
International Conference on Agriculture and Horticulture (ICAH)
Hubli, India
17 May |
International Conference on Positive Psychology and Mental Health (ICPPAMH)
Hubli, India
17 May |
International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Production Engineering (ICMIPE)
Hosur, India
17 May |
International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information Science (ICABMIS)
Hosur, India
17 May |
International Conference on Electrical, Electronics & Computer Science (ICEECS)
Hosur, India
17 May |
International Conference on Networking, Communication and Computing Technology (ICNCCT)
Hosur, India
17 May |
International Conference on Recent Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICRASET)
Hosur, India
17 May |
International Conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Applications (ICAAIMLA)
Hosur, India
17 May |
International Conference on Nursing and Primary Healthcare (ICNPH)
Hosur, India
17 May |
International Conference on Business Management and Social Innovation (ICBMSI)
Hosur, India
17 May |
International Conference on Law and Economics (ICLE)
Hosur, India
17 May |
International Conference on Agriculture and Horticulture (ICAH)
Hosur, India
17 May |
International Conference on Agriculture and Horticulture (ICAH)
Hosur, India
17 May |
International Conference on Positive Psychology and Mental Health (ICPPAMH)
Hosur, India
17 May |
International Academic Conference on Economics, Business Management & Social Sciences (IACEBMSS)
Haridwar, India
17 May |
International Conference on Agriculture, forestry, Biotechnology and Food Science (ICAFBFS)
Haridwar, India
17 May |
International Conference on Advances in Software and Computing Technologies (ICASCT)
Haridwar, India
17 May |
International Conference on Basic and Applied Sciences (ICBAS)
Haridwar, India
17 May |
International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture, and Education (ICLICE)
Haridwar, India
17 May |
International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology (ICRAET)
Haridwar, India
17 May |
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Robots and Mechanical Engineering (ICAIRME)
Kanpur, India
17 May |
International Conference on Big data, Machine Learning and IOT (ICBMI)
Kanpur, India
17 May |
International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Science (ICSECS)
Kanpur, India
17 May |
Global Congress on Plant Biology and Biotechnology (GCPBB)
Kanpur, India
17 May |
International Conference on Obesity, Weight Management and Nutrition Research (ICOBWN)
Kanpur, India
17 May |
International Conference on Science, Technology and Engineering (ICSTE)
Kanpur, India
18 May |
International Research Conference on Covid-19 and Its Impact on Mental Health (IRCCIMH)
Kolkata, India
18 May |
International Conference on Latest Research on Corona Virus and its Vaccine (ICRCVV)
Kolkata, India
18 May |
Research International Conference on Medical, Medicine and Health Science (RICMMHS)
Kolkata, India
18 May |
International Research Conference on Science Technology, Engineering and Management (IRCSTEM)
Kolkata, India
18 May |
International Webinar on Multidisciplinary Research (IWMR)
Kolkata, India
18 May |
International Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Civil, and Construction Engineering (ICAMCCE)
Kochi, India
18 May |
International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Physics and Applied Science (ICAMPA)
Kochi, India
18 May |
International Conference on Big Data, IoT, Cyber Security and Information Technology (ICBDICSIT)
Kochi, India
18 May |
International Conference on Humanities, Social Science and Business Management (ICHSSBM)
Kochi, India
18 May |
International Conference on Robotics, Communication Technology, Electronics, and Electrical Engineering (ICRRCTEEE)
Kochi, India
18 May |
International Conference on Smart Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering (ICSTAICE)
Kochi, India
18 May |
International Conference on Industrial, Production & Systems Engineering (ICIPSE)
Kochi, India
18 May |
International Conference on Hospitality And Tourism Management (ICHTM)
Kochi, India
18 May |
International Multidisciplinary Conference on Science, Education and Management (IMCSEM)
Kochi, India
18 May |
International Conference on Business Management and Social Innovation (ICBMSI)
Prayagraj, India
18 May |
International Conference On Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE)
Prayagraj, India
18 May |
International Conference on Forestry Food and Sustainable Agriculture (ICFFSA)
Prayagraj, India
18 May |
International Conference on Mechanical & Production Engineering (ICMPE)
Prayagraj, India
18 May |
International Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ICRACSIT)
Prayagraj, India
18 May |
International Conference on Recent Advances in Medical, Medicine and Health Sciences (ICRAMMHS)
Prayagraj, India
18 May |
International Conference on Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICRSET)
Prayagraj, India
18 May |
National Conference on Recent Advances in Science, Engineering, Technology and Management (NCRASETM)
Prayagraj, India
18 May |
International Conference on English Literature and Linguistics (ICELL)
Prayagraj, India
18 May |
International Conference on Catholic Church and History (ICCCH)
Prayagraj, India