Date |
Conference Name |
Venue |
06 Apr |
International Conference on Advanced Research in Artificial Intellengence and Deep Learning (ICARAIDL)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
07 Apr |
International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
07 Apr |
World Congress on Family Law and Childrens Rights (WCFLCR)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
07 Apr |
International Conference on Right to Privacy and Data Protection (ICRPDP )
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
07 Apr |
International Summit on Acupuncture & Traditional Medicine (ISATM )
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
07 Apr |
International Conference on Innovation Management Psychology Education and Sociology (ICIMPES)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
07 Apr |
International Conference on Sport Psychology, Coaching and Effective Goal Setting (ICSPCEGS)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
07 Apr |
International conference on Psychology and Allied Sciences (ICPAS)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
09 Apr |
International Conference on Emergency Medicine and Public Health (ICEMPH)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
14 Apr |
World Congress on Mental Health (WCMH)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
16 Apr |
International Conference on Environment and Life Science (EUCELS)
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
16 Apr |
International Conference on Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICLEBM)
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
16 Apr |
International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communication (EUIWNMC)
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
16 Apr |
International Conference on Nanomaterials and Biomaterials (EUICNB)
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
16 Apr |
International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biomedicine, Biotechnology and Computational Biology (EUIC3BCB)
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
16 Apr |
World Conference on Soil, Water, Energy and Air (EUWCSWEA)
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
17 Apr |
International Conference on Education, Psychology, Humanities and Historical Research (ICEPHHR)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
21 Apr |
International Conference on Physical Education, Health, and Sports (ICPEHS)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
24 Apr |
International Conference on Sustainable Water Management (ICSWM)
Gondar, Ethiopia
24 Apr |
International Conference on Nano science and Nanotechnology (IC2N)
Gondar, Ethiopia
24 Apr |
International Conference on Cell and Tissue Science (ICCTS)
Gondar, Ethiopia
24 Apr |
World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology (WCIB)
Gondar, Ethiopia
24 Apr |
International Conference on Soil, Plant and Water Science (ICSPWS)
Gondar, Ethiopia
24 Apr |
International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ICCBEE)
Gondar, Ethiopia
13 May |
International Conference on Education and Social Science Research (ICESSR)
Dessie, Ethiopia
13 May |
International Conference on Social Science, Teaching and Learning (ICSSTL)
Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
13 May |
International Conference on Social Science, Teaching and Learning (ICSSTL)
Gondar, Ethiopia
13 May |
International Conference on Social Science, Teaching and Learning (ICSSTL)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
13 May |
International Conference on Education and Social Science Research (ICESSR)
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
16 May |
International Conference on Environment and Life Science (EUCELS)
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
16 May |
International Conference on Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICLEBM)
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
16 May |
International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communication (EUIWNMC)
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
16 May |
International Conference on Nanomaterials and Biomaterials (EUICNB)
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
16 May |
International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biomedicine, Biotechnology and Computational Biology (EUIC3BCB)
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
16 May |
World Conference on Soil, Water, Energy and Air (EUWCSWEA)
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
18 May |
International Conference on Biofuels and Bioenergy (ICBB)
Ambo, Ethiopia
19 May |
International Conference on Internal Medicine and Hospital Management (ICIMHM)
Ambo, Ethiopia
19 May |
World Congress on Womens Health Reproduction and Fertility (WCWRF)
Ambo, Ethiopia
20 May |
International Conference on Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology (ICANFT)
Ambo, Ethiopia
20 May |
International Conference on Mental Health and Education (ICMHE)
Ambo, Ethiopia
20 May |
International Conference on Animal Reproduction and Genetics (ICARG)
Ambo, Ethiopia
21 May |
International Conference on Educational Leadership (ICEL)
Ambo, Ethiopia
21 May |
International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (ICENLT)
Ambo, Ethiopia
22 May |
International Conference on Forensic Research and Toxicology (ICFRT)
Ambo, Ethiopia
23 May |
International Conference on Ecology, Agriculture and Forestry (ICEAF)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
24 May |
International Conference on Sustainable Water Management (ICSWM)
Gondar, Ethiopia
24 May |
International Conference on Nano science and Nanotechnology (IC2N)
Gondar, Ethiopia
24 May |
International Conference on Cell and Tissue Science (ICCTS)
Gondar, Ethiopia
24 May |
World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology (WCIB)
Gondar, Ethiopia
24 May |
International Conference on Soil, Plant and Water Science (ICSPWS)
Gondar, Ethiopia